We are a group of people with a passion for the art and techniques of photography. All are welcome, no matter where you are on your photographic journey. Our activities include, workshops, field trips, competitions and social gatherings. Above all, we think photography should always be fun. 
We hold two meetings a month:

  • Training & Development session. Hotel Crown Function Room, Victor Harbor. 5pm - 7pm. Held on the first Monday of each Month February to November. (Scroll down for Details on each session). Followed by a meal (optional). T&D is the place to learn and expand your photography.
  • Exhibition Meeting 
    at the Gospel Ctr. George Main Rd. Victor Harbor on the third Friday of each month February to November. Doors Open from 6.30pm. Meetings start at 7.30pm. Exhibition Meetings are where you can enter photos and benchmark yourself against other photographers.

We have Field Trips, Workshops, coffee mornings, street walks, impromptu photo adventures, it is all in the Calendar and upcoming events that require registration will be listed at the bottom of this page.


 2024 Projected Photo of the Year.  

"Storm Clouds at Kirkjufell" by Leanne Geisler  











































































































                                                                                                                                                                See all the EoY results here.


See all the photos from the huge Awards Night here.



Register here for the Pre Feb 21 meeting Meal .... New Venue



CLICK HERE to view our online gallery at VMC


EoY Galleries. 



 We thank our Club Sponsors:

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